
Sunday, October 23, 2011


Titan is the largest of saturn's 34 moons. it is 5,150km in diameter larger then
the planets mercury and pluto.Dutch astronomer chrstiaan huygens discovered titan in 1655.we still have no idea what it's surface looks lke because titan has a dense

atmosphere containing nitrogen,ethane and other gases which shroud it's surface -not unlike that ofearth four billion years ago.information sent back by te space probe voyager 1 during 1980 and recent radio telescope oservation suggested that titan may have ethane "ocans" and "continents" of ice or other solid matter.cassini,a space probe launched by nasa and the european space agency ,arrived in saturn's orbit on 1 july 2004.On 14 january 2005 it launched the huygens probe on to the surface of titan and sent back scientific data.


Triton, was discover in 1846, is the one & only known large moon in the solar system with a retrograde orbit. It revolve round its planet(neptune) in the opposite direction to the planet's rotation.


Till october 1959 our moon was unknown to all becauese the far side of the moon
always face away from the earth.But it was found when Soviet Luna 3 probe send picture back to earth.It was very surprise to see it at that time.

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