
Sunday, October 23, 2011



A black hole is a spherical, non- rotating body .Its surface gravitional attraction force is so, high that even a light cannot escept from it. It absorbes all the light passing through it like a perfect black body so,it is called black hole & its surface is called "event horizon".
If all the masses of our sun can be put within a sphere of radius of about 3km, it would become a black hole. If our sun is suddenly collapsed into a black hole , the orbit of the planet would be unaffected. Black hole can not be directly observed and indirect method of identification of black hole have been devisied by scientist.


The word supernovae was found by swiss astrophysicits & astronomer Fritz Zwick. Supernovae are the death explosion of massive stars that resulting, in brightness followed by gradual fading.during this period it produce as much as the energy as the sun doesn't produce in his entire life time .Supernovae are rear - the last one in our galaxy was seen in 1604 by the german astronomer johannes kepler. There are two type of supernovae
type la & type ll

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