
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


                               Albert II in preparing for his historical flight Image Credit: NASA

At first amimals were used to send in the space to test the equiptment before human were send.The main reason was that they don't want to risk human life.Albert 1 was the first male rhesus monkey to sens up by US air force in converted Germnsy v2 rocket in 1948.Albert & Albert 2 died in the test.On 20 sectember 1948 a monkey & 11 mice were recover after a lunch in US aerobee rocket.They were the famous amima who gave their their life in the name of technologey for humman beings. further many aimal experiment were carried out before the first men went in the space.
At that time Countries like USA ,France, Soviet Union,Japan & china used to send animal's in space program.